Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Gendered spaces

So, my brother and I are working together on our Deviant Art ID tag and everything is going fine. He makes me watch him (for an hour and half mind you) pick out the gradient of our background shade. He goes through everything. He's doing red and blue and yellow and then he decides, I want orange. Do you know why he wants bright orange. His exact words were 'I want to blind viewers when they come to our site.' I ask him, "Blind viewers?" 'Well yeah,' he tells me, 'People'll notice us if they see really bright colors that blind them.' In which I replied, "Won't that scare them away?" He smiled. "Of course not." Then, he looked at the color again and as if realizing the point I was making went "Ohhh." So, he keeps playing with the colors and finally settles on the one we've decided to use. Then it happens. The next stage of his planning continues. "So," he asks me, "What should we put?" I knew it was coming and there it was. The vague questions he always asks when we do this sort of thing. I tell him, "I don't know" and finally convince him to start us off by putting what he wants to say. Well, he tells us about his favorite foods and his freetime activities and then he says, "I'm going to tell them about my allergies." He's allergic to nuts so he decides to tell everyone that fact. He wants to put ginseng too but the text is already done by now. So we move on. I pick my three categories and then he finalizes the ID tag, Almost that is. There is one thing he wants to point out that takes me by surprise.
"I'm going to put symbols all over the background now." he says. "It's going to look gay," I tell him. He doesn't care. So instead of drawing hearts or something else, he starts to draw two symbols. Y'know, the male and female symbols. The 'O' with the arrow pointing up and the female sign with the 'O' and the plus. One above Spandam's head and one above Robin's. I say, "What the hell is that suppose to be?"
"It's so we know which one's the girl and which one's the boy." That's when I replied, "It's not like people are not going to know the wording next to a girl is a girl and the one next to the guy is a guy." "Fine," he said and closed the program. I'm not sure what he's thinking sometimes....

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